CB Auditing Firm is a leading professional service firm in the Philippines that provides a wide range of financial services.


We Established Continuing Ties with Various Company Industries

CB Auditing Firm is a friendly, reliable, and trustworthy accounting/auditing firm that provides a wide range of financial services to help you run your business, free from the complexities of accounting and taxation process.

We take pride in our services backed up by a team of professionals that works by the heart and is one with you in achieving your goals, vision and mission.

CB is born out of concern for other, passion for the craft and a commitment to help others in solving problems related to accounting and tax.

We started helping a client in 2008 and grew into a big number of clients, who were all adamant at getting solutions to their concerns and found CB through word of mouth.

As we work hand-in-hand with clients in their goals of achieving stability, growth and success, we witnessed the many struggles of companies in doing their businesses. Motivated by our desire to find real answers to these problems, we exerted time, effort and teamed-up with professionals/experts to be able to design and develop procedures, formula, systems and software to solve the financial concerns of the companies. This paved the way to a wide range of financial services that were proven helpful and contributed to clients' success stories, all of which are now CB's offered services.



CB witnessed how its client started, grew and expand over the years. This gave rise to the tag line "Grow your business with us". One client, suggested to make it "Let's grow our business together" which is a more suitable tagline since CB and its clients grow each other's businesses hand-in hand.


CB Auditing's Company Logo

The Logo shows a flourishing tree encompassed by a symbolic letter C.

The tree represents CB Auditing Firm, its clients, and its employees. The letter C represents Christ.

It means that CB Auditing Firm, its clients and its employees grow bigger and mightier in magnificence and strength reaching its branches far and out as they are rooted in Chirst. Everything rooted in Christ stands firm, bears fruits and provides shelter.

CB Auditing's Company Values

  • Integrity and Honesty
  • Exellence
  • Passion
  • Effciency
  • Personal Touch
  • Long- lasting client relationship